Tavenner Papers & IMTFE Official Records, Box 3, Folder 1

General Reports and Memoranda from June 1946

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Guide for Preparation of Correspondence by SCAP Staff Sections
Remarks to Court on the motion attacking the jurisdiction of the Tribunal
Revised Deadline Dates
Affidavit of John B. Powell and Testimony of Young
Army Press Release, 11 June 1945
B and C Offences
Check Sheet - Production of Witness
Civilian Personnel on Duty in the Occupational Areas of Japan and Korea - Hours of Work
Copy of volume on the Tripartite Pact
Crimes Against Humanity
Customs Duty on Merchandise Shipped or Taken into the United States by Civilian Employees of the War Department
Directions from the Tribunal to the General Secretary re Summoning of Witnesses
Doc. 9305 - Questionnaire
Doc. No. 1895 - Analysis of Documentary Evidence
Doc. No. 19469-A
Document Doc. No. 1895 - Certificate
Documentary Evidence
Documents in Posession of ATIS ready for shipment to United States
Documents Obtained from Yatsugi - Kazuo - (in charge of Kokusaku Kenkyu-Kai)
Documents Obtained from YATSUGI, KAZUO, (in charge of Kokusaku Kenkyu-Kai)
Extracts of Tokyo Gazette Miscellany
Extracts of Tokyo Gazette Miscellany
For Mr. Worth McKinney re Interrogations of German Nationals June 6, 1946
Interrogations June 4, 1946
Meetings of Evidence and Defendants Committee and Witnesses and Documents Sub-Committee
Minutes of Meeting of Documents and Witnesses Sub-Committee June 12, 1946
Minutes of Meeting of Documents and Witnesses Sub-Committee June 5, 1946
Minutes of Ninth Meeting of Evidence and Defendants Committee June 7, 1946
Minutes of Tenth Meeting of Evidence and Defendants Committee June 14, 1946
Motion to Dismiss on Behalf of all Defendants
Motion to Dismiss on Behalf of all Defendants
Opening Statement of the Prosecution
Order Appointing Referees and Arbiters for the Tribunal
Organization Report June 1, 1947
Paper No. 240 Disposes of Oral Motion in Oral Court
Perpetuation of testimony by Witnesses in U. S. for Presentation to the International Military Tribunal
Port Call Incident to Return Transportation for Civilian Employees
Prosecution Reply to Tribunal re Contentions made by the Defense in the Summations
Public Statement and AP Article on Keenan's Departure from Japan
Reassignment June 6, 1946
Request for Witness
Request Form Accused - Incident: Excerpt from Interrogation of OSHIMA, Hiroshi, 11 February 1946, pages 63 and 64
Request Form Accused - Incident: Excerpt from Interrogation of OSHIMA, Hiroshi, 12 February 1946. pages 74 and 75
Request Form Accused - Incident: Excerpt from Interrogation of OSHIMA, Hiroshi, 4 February 1946, pp. 43, 44 and 45
Request Form Accused - Incident: Excerpt from Interrogation of OSHIMA, Hiroshi, 6 February 1946, page 50
Request Form Accused - Incident: Excerpt from Interrogation of OSHIMA, Hiroshi, 6 February 1946, pages 52 to 53
Request Form Accused - Incident: Excerpt from Interrogation of OSHIMA, Hiroshi, 6 February 1946, pp. 46, 47, 49, 50 and 51
Request Form Accused - Incident: Excerpt from Interrogation of OSHIMA, Hiroshi, 7 February 1946, pages 55 to 58
Revised Deadline Dates
Summarization in English of an Original Japanese Document Submitted as an Aggendum to the Defense Motion on Jurisdiction
Telecon, 5 June 46, Page 12
Teletype Conference June 5, 1946
Transfer of Civilian Employees
Use of Scanners
Why PANAY, LADYBIRD, BEE ships were near Yangtze River