Trial Transcript June 19, 1946

Trial Transcript June 19, 1946

Date 19 June 1946
Language English
Collection Roy L. Morgan Papers
Box Box 4
Folder 1946 April 29 - June 21, Records of the Proceedings.
Repository University of Virginia Law Library
Day 15 of the trial, Wednesday, June 19, 1946, concerning Phase II - The Preparation of Japanese Opinion for War of the Prosecution's case. Continues discussion regarding educating the Japanese youth, including through the military. Raises questions as to whether or not authorities and their students portrayed the Manchurian Incident and subsequent events as a war of aggression. Roughly covers pages 932 to 1,021 of the official trial transcript. The Tribunal convened at 9:30 AM and adjourned at 3:55 PM.