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Parent Report on Unintroduced Evidence -- China Phase
Date 22 April 1947
Language English
Collection Tavenner Papers & IMTFE Official Records
Box Box 4
Folder General Reports and Memoranda from September 1947
Repository University of Virginia Law Library
IPS DOC 820 – continued ITEM: 9. FOREIGN OFFICE REPORT RE: General Headquarters Conference Before the Throne, 16 Feb 1938 TRANSLATION: No. ANALYSIS: On 16 Feb 1938, an Imperial Conference before the Throne was held at the General Headquarters. The Navy reported that in order to make easier bombings in South China, it was necessary to obtain air bases near Hongkong. The Army decided upon the operations along the Lunghai Railway, including the occupation of Huschow and Chengehow. SIGNIFICANCE: Japan did plan her operations, including extensive bombings, against China, by stages. Navy is implicated too. SHIMADA was then Vice Chief of Naval General Staff. SUGGESTIONS: 1. It could be used against any defense witness who might claim that Japanese did not have a planned operation after the fall of Nanking in Dec. 1937. 2. It can also be be reserved to be used against SHIMADA.