G. Carrington Williams Papers, Box 1, Folder 1

Defense Counsel Memoranda, Letters 1946-1947

Defense Witnesses
Summoning of Prisoners from Sugamo for Interview
Proposed Summer Recess, Etc
Daily Meetings of American Attorneys
Memorandum re Excerpts for Evidence
Japanese Document Committee
Processing of Defense Documents
Prepared Defense Response to Prosecution
Addresses in the Court Room
Interviewing Accused During Progress of Trial
Production of Witnesses and Documents
Conservation of Paper and Supplies
Ohta's Suggestions Regarding Tribunal, Letters from Justice E.H. Northcroft to General Douglas MacArthur, and Edward H. Dell to S. Ohta, 15 -16 March 1946
Russian Aggression in Manchuria
Handling of Defense Documents in IPS
Distribution of Corrected Documents
Frequency of Consultations with Accused
Russian Aggression in Manchuria
Letter from Douglas MacArthur to Justice E. H. Northcroft re British and American Lawyers at Tribunal
Division V - Pacific War
Liaison Position in Washington, DC
Approved Translation of NODA Affidavit
Agreement Reached Among Japanese Counsel Concerning Preparation for Search and Processing of Evidence
Clarification Request for General Order No. 26
Correspondence re Suggestions Regarding Defense Counsel
Liaison Conference Between Defense and IPS
Entry of Defendants Into Japan
Language Corrections for Exhibit 3198
Interrogation Request Date for AOKI
Investigation in Manila
Establishment of the Defense Division to Provide Allied Counsel to Major War Criminals
Submission of Documents for Processing to Language Section
Williams Role as American Counsel for Hoshino
Security Regulations in the Courtroom
Opening Statement of Pacific Phase, Tripartite Section
Organization of Defense Section
Handling of Affidavits and Documents
Divisions of Defense Case
Processing of Defense Documents in IBS
Translation of Documents
Abstract of Information re TOJO, Hideki
Testimony and Cross- Examination of Col. David D. Barrett
Lt. Col. Ichiji Sugita
Interrogation Availability of KISHI and INADA
Summoning of Prisoners from Sugamo for Interview
Announcement of Captain Beverly M. Coleman as Chief Defense Counsel
IPS Protocol During Noon Hour
Arrangements for Interpreters for Week-end Duty
Language Procedures
Defense Witnesses
Record of Proceedings Procedures
Presentation of Evidence to Tribunal
Statement of Policy for Interpretation of Direct Testimony
Suggested Affidavit Procedure
Stenographer Assignments
Memorandum re Security of Defendants in Court
Russian Phase, Division IV
Division of Cases into Teams
Number of Witnesses
Summoning of Prisoners from Sugamo Prison for Interview
Corrections to Translations of Exhibits 103 and 129
Conferences with Accused During Recess at War Ministry Building
Advice from Edwin Borchard
Standard Operating Procedure and Tentative Organizational Description of the Language Pool, IMTFE
Final Page of Some List
Order Appointing Referees and Arbiters for the Tribunal
Language Problems and Procedure
Japanese Document Committee
Committee for the Proceeding in Chamber
Defense Witnesses Proper Handling
Messing Facilities for Witnesses
Stenographic Help
Suggested Procedure on Stipulation Facts with IPS
Advance Release to the Press re Defense Motions to Dismiss
Origin of Defense Documents Nos. 1694, 1703, 501A, 501B
Daily Meetings of American Counsel
Documents for Translation
Schedule of Work Hours
Corrections to Def. Doc. 1161
Docket and Chronology of Proceedings and Pleadings
Time of General Meetings with the Accused in the Tribunal
Suggestions for Planning Committee
Testimony and Cross-Examination of Col. David D. Barrett