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Parent | The Shanghai Herald, April 11, 1946 |
Date | 11 April 1946 |
Language | English |
Collection | David Nelson Sutton Papers |
Box | Box 14 |
Folder | Folder 62 | [Add Description] |
Repository | Virginia Historical Society |
[relevant article text]
World to Get Tale of Rape of Nanking
Tokyo, April 10 (UP) – The full documented story of the infamous Rape of Nanking by the Japanese in 1937 will probably be given to the world for the first time at the trial of top-ranking Japanese war criminals, as a result of information gathered by two members of the prosecution team.
Colonel Thomas H. Morrow and David Nelson Sutton have completed a four-week tour of China, visiting Shanghai, Peiping, Chungking and Nanking and on occasions interviewing as many as 120 eye-witnesses in a single day. They are now returning to Tokyo with “hundreds” of documents.
Trials About May 15
The trials will start on or about May 15. The tribunal will be composed of one judge each from the nine Powers to whom the Japanese surrendered – the United States, Britain, Russia, France, China, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and the Netherlands – and will try only top-ranking war criminals found to have “conspired, instituted and conducted aggressive war in violation of treaties.”
Meanwhile, Supreme Headquarters ordered the Japanese Government to deliver to the International Prosecution Section plans for the fortification of the Pacific islands mandated to it at the end of World War I.
The fortification of these former German islands by Japan was in direct violation of the League of Nations Covenant.