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Parent | The Mainichi, August 30, 1946 |
Date | 30 August 1946 |
Language | English |
Collection | David Nelson Sutton Papers |
Box | Box 14 |
Folder | Folder 63 | [Add Description] |
Repository | Virginia Historical Society |
[relevant article text]
More Affidavits and Statements Presented on Nanking Atrocities
By Eimei Kato, Staff Writer
International Military Tribunal Courtroom, Tokyo Aug. 29 – Assistant Prosecutor David Sutton (U.S) this morning presented further documentary evidence, mostly in the form of affidavits and statements, on Japanese atrocities against Chinese civilians and others in Nanking in the war crimes trials of the International Military Tribunal for the Far East.
With deendants Shumei Okawa, Iwane Matsui, and Baron Kiichiro Hiranuma still out due to illness, the Court opened at 9:30 a.m. with Prosecutor Chu of China requesting that the last witness Tung Shu-ming, director and manager of the Pootung Electric Co. of Shanghai, having completed his testimony, be permitted to return to China.
The request was granted by Sir William Webb, President of the Tribunal.
Co-Counsel Introduced
Dr. Ichiro Kiyose of the defense then introduced to the Court George Frank Bluet of Philadelphia who has been chosen as Kiyose’s co-counsel for the defense of Hideki Tojo.
Prosecutor David Sutton then began the reading of further documentary evidence in the Japanese atrocities against Chinese civilians and others. The documents were mainly affidavits of persons in Nanking and included the following.
1. Affidavit (dated June 7, 1946) of Dr. Lewis F. C. Smith, professor of sociology at the University of Nanking, who testified that as secretary of the international committee of the Nanking safety zone in November, 1937, he was responsible for drafting protests which were later presented to the Japanese following the Japanese occupation.
2 Protests Daily Dr. Smith declared that an average of two protests daily were filed with the Japanese authorities during the first six weeks of the Japanese occupation of Nanking but it was not until February of 1938 that any offensive action was taken. (The affidavit was admitted over the objection of William Logan of the defense who pleaded that the trial did not become a battle of affidavits.)
2. Affidavit (dated June 18, 1946) of George A. Fitch, deputy regional director (Honan province) of UNRRA, who was born in Soochow, China, in 1883, and was secretary of the international committee of the Y.M.C.A., New York as director of safety zone
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