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Parent | Exhibit 859 |
Date | 2 September 1947 |
Language | English |
Collection | Tavenner Papers & IMTFE Official Records |
Box | Box 5 |
Folder | General Memoranda and Reports from September 1947 |
Repository | University of Virginia Law Library |
2 September 1947 Memorandum TO: Mr. Tavenner FROM: Brigadier Quilliam SUBJECT: Exhibit 859 Referring to my memorandum of 20 August 1947 and to the letter sent by the Chief of the Budget Bureau, Mr. NODO, to Mr. Keenan, I forward herewith memorandum dated 29th August from Mr. Lambert of the Investigations Division. I understand that the Defense proposed submitting as evidence Mr. NODA?ÇÖs letter. As it would appear that no useful purpose would be served by challenging Mr. NODA?ÇÖs explanation, I suggest that the Prosecution should agree to the letter being produced and that no further action need be taken. [Signed R H Quilliam] Encl.