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Parent | Examination of Documents Results November 12, 1947 |
Date | 12 November 1947 |
Language | English |
Collection | Tavenner Papers & IMTFE Official Records |
Box | Box 6 |
Folder | General Reports and Memoranda from November 1947 |
Repository | University of Virginia Law Library |
12 November 1947
MEMORANDUM TO: Mr. Frank Tavenner
FROM:Lt. Kurt Steiner
I have examined documents enumerated below with the fol¬lowing results:
1. IPS Document No. 2377 is a copy of the November 1940 issue of the magazine DAI-ASIA SHUGI (Great Asia Prin¬ciples) published by the Greater Asia Association. Among the officials of this Association were MATSUI as Chief of the Association, HIROTA, SHIRATORI and MATSUOKA as Councillors and SUZUKI as one of the Directors. This issue contains an article by OSHIMA entitled "Tripartite Alliance and the United States". OSHIMA expresses first his joy over the Imperial Rescript issued on the occasion of the conclusion of the Tri¬partite Pact. He refers to the traditional Japanese spirit of unification of the world under the Emperor and states: "The two wars fought with China and Russia and the Manchurian Incident were the result of this great spirit and so is the China Incident of today, that is, the idea of the Incident is to reform China and to establish a New Order in East Asia." (page 2). The purpose of the European War initiated by Germany differs from that of other wars. According to Hitler, God did not create the world for a few races only and therefore the resources of the world are meant to provide for all peoples. In principle, this corresponds to Japanese idea to furnish all nations with what they want. Germany and Italy wishing to correct the unreasonable status quo have something in com¬mon with the aim of Japan in her dealing with the China Incident and this created the Alliance. Whereas many treaties of the past aim at the securing of allies to fight with or even for the other nation concluding the treaty, the Tripartite Pact differs in that it is rising from the intention of establishing a new world order. Full support must be given by the nation to the Government in order to carry out the treaty effectively. Imperialism brought semi-colonial conditions to many Asiatic peoples but was stopped in China by the efforts of Japan. The establishment of a New Order in East Asia depends greatly on the situation in Europe and America and for this reason, the conclusion of the Tripartite Pact is very advantageous to Japan. In turn, Japan must cooperate with Germany and Italy in estab¬lishing their new orders." In dealing with Japan's responsi¬bility of establishing a New Order in East Asia, OSHIMA mentions that the conditions in the Dutch East Indies and in French Indo-China, India and the South Sea Islands should be improved and states: "It is necessary to confer with Germany and Italy