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Parent | Documents Obtained from YATSUGI, KAZUO, (in charge of Kokusaku Kenkyu-Kai) |
Date | 26 June 1946 |
Language | English |
Collection | Tavenner Papers & IMTFE Official Records |
Box | Box 3 |
Folder | General Reports and Memoranda from June 1946 |
Repository | University of Virginia Law Library |
General Headquarters
Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers
International Prosecution Section
26 June 1946
FROM: Roy L. Morgan
(in charge of Kokusaku Kenkyu-Nai)
The following documents, which have been scanned for title but have
not been translated, were recently obtained by the Investigative Division
of IPS:
1."Public Opinion on the TOJO Cabinet," handwritten, undated,
2. Certificate of merit awarded to IATSTTGI, Kazuo, 1940.
3. Certificate of amount paid to YATSUGX, Kazuo, for services performed, Army Ordnance Depot, 1934.
4. "Urgent Measures to be Taken in Singapore, national Policy Research Association, Racial Problems Committee, 1940, "Confidential."
5."Urgent Measures to be Taken in French Indo-China," national Policy Research Association* Racial Problems Committee, "Secret," undated.
6.Unrolled letter containing propaganda urging the Chinese to unite with Japan and to shake off Communism and foreign powers rights.
7.Unmailed letters on the gravity of Russo-Japanese relations and the reasons for the 3ino-Japanes e War, 1935.
8."Concerning the Prediction Made by HICIIREU Approximately 700 Years Ago and the Present Day I7ar," national Policy Research Society, undated, handwritten.
9.Letter to YAJ8I7GI, Kazuo, on conditions for Japanese subject in China and anti-American feeling, undated, "Burn after Reading."
10. "Summary of Plans for the Present Situation," by YATSUGI, Kazuo, undated.
11. Various Harbor Investigations in Southern Areas," Southern Area Economic Round-Table Conference, undated.
12. "Investigation of Harbor Projects and Loading and Unloading Capacities within the Co-Prosperity Sphere (deluding Japan and China)," Southern Area Economic Hound-Liable Conference, undated^ "Confidential."