Page 161

Parent Collaboration Between Japan, Germany and Italy Volume III
Date 23 February 1940
Language English
Collection Tavenner Papers & IMTFE Official Records
Box Box 15
Folder Japan, Germany, Italy Collaboration Vol 3
Repository University of Virginia Law Library
in Berlin. I had worked very closely with him during the last year and had always openly initiated him into the aims of our policy, so that he was better in the position to represent the Japanese interests in Berlin than a new ambassador. He still enjoys also the complete confidence of the Fuehrer and the German Army. Signed RIBBENTROP (b) Document 4045, (Exhibit No. ): "Berlin, 27 October 1939e.o. Pol. VIII g. Rs. State Affairs - TOP SECRET "DIHiOGEHMA; TokyoSt. S. "No. 501* "Telegram in code. (Secret Cipher Process) "For the Ambassador personally: "The Reich Foreign Minister requests to support in all respects Ambassador OSHIMA, Who after his return, will work further for German-Japanese friendship. He requests to transmit in code /and/ without changes telegrams, delivered there by OSHIMA to the Reich Foreign Minister personally and to take care of the forwarding of letters addressed to the Reich Foreign Minister, unopened, in so far as they are sealed, by sure and speedy route. WOERMANN “Before Transmission “To Reich Foreign Minister’s Office for information. “NOTE: - On instructions of Reich Foreign Minister.”