Page 162
Parent | Collaboration Between Japan, Germany and Italy Volume III |
Date | 23 February 1940 |
Language | English |
Collection | Tavenner Papers & IMTFE Official Records |
Box | Box 15 |
Folder | Japan, Germany, Italy Collaboration Vol 3 |
Repository | University of Virginia Law Library |
(10) On 20 September 1939, General TERAUCHI conferred with RIBBENTROP and with Ambassador OSHIMA attended a reception given by HITLER. RIBBENTROP again expressed his conviction that Japan would be strongly influenced by Germany's fate, to which TERAUCHI expressed a similar conviction. HITLER stated that a German and Japanese understanding with Russia was necessary either with or without the conclusion of a German- Japaneae-Italian Pact. During the course of the conference, Ambassador OSHIMA stated that in his opinion Japan, and es¬pecially the Navy, would be perfectly ready for an advance in Greater East Asia and against Hongkong, and that he had made such a proposal by telegram. On 23 September Lt. General Count BROCKDORFF asked General TERAUCHI if it wouldn't be much smarter from the Japanese standpoint to end the pros- pectless war with China by a bearable settlement and utilize the struggle of the Japanese Army and fleet more in the south, where, in the economic field, greater successes were to be gained, to which General TERAUCHI replied, "Certainly, that would be much better."
(a)Document 4034B, (Exhibit 509):
"The Japanese general, Count TERAUCHI, was received in Zoppot on 20 September 18 o'clock by the Reichs
Foreign Minister and at 18.30 o'clock by the Fuehrer
"I. Conversation with the Reichs Foreign Minister.
"At first TERAUCHI expressed his thanks for the invitation to Germany and for the permission to visit the front, and the thanks of the Japanese Army for the understanding attitude of Germany in the China conflict. Then he expressed his hearty congratulations to the German military successes in Poland. The Reichs Foreign Minister regretted not to have been able to welcome the Count in Berlin and Nuremberg, and gave a short descrip¬tion of the course of military events since 1 September.