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Parent | Examination of Documents Results November 12, 1947 |
Date | 12 November 1947 |
Language | English |
Collection | Tavenner Papers & IMTFE Official Records |
Box | Box 6 |
Folder | General Reports and Memoranda from November 1947 |
Repository | University of Virginia Law Library |
Memo to Mr. Tavenner Page 212 November 1947
immediately to make a concrete plan for improvement and to start the positive execution of it." The treaty is not a challenge to the United States since Japan has no intention of extending her ambitions over the dominions of the United States. Those who define the treaty as a challenge to the United States are either unwilling to recognize the New Order in East Asia initiated by Japan or have themselves ambitions in East Asia. If the United States should plan to advance the Orient, she will be punished by heaven because she has sufficient resources and productive powers in her own continent. If she earnestly hopes for peace of the world, she must collaborate with Japan in estab¬lishing a New Order in East Asia. Since the outbreak of the China Incident, the attitude of the United States has often been un¬bearable and while Japanese people are patient, the United States must realize that that patience has a limit. With the Tripartite Alliance, a new diplomacy was started and the dignity of Japan, the happiness of the Asiatic people and the justice of the world depends upon the success of this diplomacy.
x 2. Document No. 4040. Item XII (Serial 204, page 16, sub-section 3) is a report by Knoll about the conversation between TERAUCHI, Ribbentrop and Hitler. There was first a discussion with Ribbentrop followed by a reception by Hitler, a dinner with Ribbentrop and a prolonged conversation between Ribbentrop, TERAUCHI and OSHIMA. Ribbentrop and Hitler expressed the convic¬tion that the old cordial relationship between Germany and Japan will soon be resumed. Hitler stated regarding Germany's attitude towards Japan that 1) Germany and Japan have, as the only powers in the world, no opposing interests; 2) both states have common interests directed against England; 3) both nations are nations of soldiers and therefore belong together.
TERAUCHI and OSHIMA made no comments against the statements of the RAM. "OSHIMA was even very humble and continu¬ally emphasized the equality of opinion between Japan and Germany. Yes, he even went so far as to say that he would do everything to convince his government, to set foot in East Asia against England; Hongkong also would have to become Japanese. During the conver¬sation TERAUCHI emphasized that he was of the same opinion as OSHIMA." (signature illegible)
IPS Document No. 4041. Item 15 (Serial 197, page 5). This is a memorandum by Wiehl dated Berlin 21 December 1938. Wiehl informed OSHIMA that Ribbentrop insists that preferred treat¬ment for Germany as compared with third powers should be stipulated in writing in the pro-memoria regarding German-Japanese economic