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Parent | Doc. 6907 - Collaboration Between Japan, Germany and Italy, Volume 1 - Opening Statement |
Date | |
Language | English |
Collection | Tavenner Papers & IMTFE Official Records |
Box | Box 15 |
Folder | Japan, Germany, Italy Collaboration Vol 1 |
Repository | University of Virginia Law Library |
Doc. No. 6907
was made that the occupation of Singapore must take place with lightning speed, without a declaration of war in order to contribute to a speedy termination of hostilities. Ambassador OSHIMA represented that preparations for the occupation of Singapore would be complete by the end of May; that military preparations must be made against England and America; that the moment for occupation of Singapore must be coordinated with operations in Europe; and that the occupation of Hong Kong and the Philippines had been provided for in case of need.
A few days after the OSHIMA conference, RIBBENTROP directed the German Ambassador in Japan to work with all the means at his command to the end that Japan take possession of Singapore by surprise as soon as possible. This was followed on 3 March 1941 by the High Command of the Armed Forces, Fuehrer Headquarters issuing directive number 24 concerning collaboration with Japan, in which it was stated that the aim of the cooperation based on the Three Power Pact must be to bring Japan as soon as possible to active operations in the Far East, and that the conquest of Singapore, England's key position in the Far East, would mean a decisive success for the three Axis powers. The importance of the question was again emphasized when on 18 March 1941 General JODL, in a report to HITLER, stated that Japan must take steps as soon as possible to eliminate Singa¬pore, since the opportunity would never again be as favorable.
Events were moving swiftly in Japan. On 25 March 1941, Chief of the Japanese Navy General Staff, Admiral KONDO,