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Parent | Doc. 6907 - Collaboration Between Japan, Germany and Italy, Volume 1 - Opening Statement |
Date | |
Language | English |
Collection | Tavenner Papers & IMTFE Official Records |
Box | Box 15 |
Folder | Japan, Germany, Italy Collaboration Vol 1 |
Repository | University of Virginia Law Library |
Doc. No. 6907
reported that the Navy was vigorously preparing for an attack on Singapore, and Chief of the Japanese General Staff, General SUGIYAMA, reported that the Army was also making preparations for an attack.
Foreign Minister MATSUOKA arrived in Berlin in the latter part of March 1941, and between 27 March and 5 April 1941 conferred with HITLER, RIBBENTROP, GOERING, FUNK and others on matters relating to joint military and economic cooperation of the Tripartite Powers. Although declaring he could not accept the obligation at the moment to act for the Japanese nation, MATSUOKA stated in a con¬ference with HITLER that Japan would act decisively when she has the feeling that she would otherwise lose a chance which might only return after a thousand years; that Japan would advance regardless of the condition of her prepara¬tions; that he had personally held the view that Japan should attack Singapore and put an end to British Influence in that area; and that it was only a matter of time until ^apan would attack.
Japanese concern over German Intentions with regard to political domination and control of the Netherlands East Indies and French Indo-China has been referred to in a pre¬vious section of this opening statement. In his conference with HITLER, MATSUOKA took the occasion to state that although Japan expected to keep before her the motto of "No conquest, no oppression, no exploitation," Japan would proceed by force, if necessary, in establishing the New Order according to the