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Parent Transferring materials concerning The Tripartite Pact and The Anti-Comintern Pact
Date 19 September 1947
Language English
Collection Tavenner Papers & IMTFE Official Records
Box Box 5
Folder General Memoranda and Reports from September 1947
Repository University of Virginia Law Library
?Ç£Or abroad?Ç¥ means in China, U.S.S.R., England, U.S.A., France, etc. Thus it was openly declared before all the world that the bloc German ?Çô Italy ?Çô Japan would in all countries of the world including the U.S.S.R., interfere in internal affairs, would put these countries in their favorite fascist order. As regards the Soviet Union a special exception was made. The U.S.S.R is directly named in the secret agreement attached to the pact (quote exh. No. 480): ?Ç£The Government of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics is working toward the realization of the goal of the Communist International and wants to use its Army for this cause.?Ç¥ That contention was not proved then; certainly there are no proofs now. As a matter of fact such proofs cannot exist as the Soviet Union did not work toward the realization of the goal of the comintern in other countries and did not use this army for that cause. After such an introductory part article 1 of the Secret Agreement provides for joint measures of struggle of the signatories of the antri-comintern pact against the Soviet Union (Quote exh. No. 480). ?Ç£Should one of the High Contracting States become the object of an unprovoked attack or an unprovoked threat of attack by the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. .?Ç¥ Distorted understanding of aggression by the signatories of the anti-comintern pact Exhibits No. No. 771, 773a. Well, the Soviet Union would not have anything against such an understanding insofar as it did not threaten it in any way if there was not a ?Ç£but?Ç¥ ?Çô how exactly the signatories of the anticomintern pact interpreted the terms ?Çÿattack?ÇÖ, ?Çÿthreat of attack?ÇÖ, ?Çÿaggression?ÇÖ. The documents can show this in the best and most convincing way. That is what Ribbentrop one of the signatories of the anti-comintern pact said in his telegram to the German Ambassador in Tokyo dated July 10, 1941 (Exh. No 770): Expressing his confidence that Japan would support Germany in case of war with the U.S.A. Ribbentrop said (quote): ?Ç£Even today it can be regarded as absolutely certain that America is the sole aggressor.?Ç¥