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Parent | Japanese Negotiations with Germany and ITAGAKI's attitude in regard to them |
Date | 6 October 1946 |
Language | English |
Collection | Tavenner Papers & IMTFE Official Records |
Box | Box 3 |
Folder | General Reports and Memoranda October 1946 |
Repository | University of Virginia Law Library |
f. IPS Document 4035, Item 4, is a telegram from Ott to the German State Secretary dated 30 April 1939. It states that the above instructions were sent by the War Minister (ITAGAKI) to OSHIMA and that the limitation of the obligation to support in the case of war with Russia was dropped because of insistent pressure by the Army. This document is not in evidence.
g. Exhibit 503, p. 6103, is a telegram from Ott to Ribbentrop dated 4 May 1939 and containing HIRANUMA’s declaration to Hitler. It reads in part: “As far as the strengthening of our relations is concerned, I can affirm that Japan is firmly and steadfastly resolved to stand at the side of Germay and Italy even if one of those two powers were attacked by one or several powers without the participation of the Soviet Union and to afford them political and economic, and to the extent possible to her power, military assistance.” The declaration makes actual military aid dependent on “a change of circumstances.” (This is in contradiction to p. 41 of ITAGAKI’s affidavit quoted above.)
h. Exhibit 504, p. 6108, is a telegram from Ott to the German State Secretary dated 6 May 1939. It states that HIRANUMA obtained a compromise in a conflict of the five Ministers Conference, namely between the War Minister and the Finance Minister on one hand and the Foreign Minister and Navy Minister on the other. It shows that the Army attributed the clause in the HIRANUMA declaration which makes military aid dependent on “a change of circumstances” to the Foreign Minister.
i. IPS Document 4043, Item 20, is a telegram from Ott to the State Secretary dated 17 May 1939. It confirms the fact that while the Army worked for concessions to Germany, the Navy wanted to “reserve for itself the choice of time of attack against enemy forces.” This shows that the pact was not meant as a defensive alliance as far as Japan was concerned. This document is not in evidence.
j. IPS Document 4043, Item 21, is a telegram from Ott to Ribbentrop dated 20 May 1939. ITAGAKI sent MACHIJIRI to Ott with a written declaration to be transmitted to Ribbentrop. The following is a summary of the declaration: “The Five Minister Conference achieved a decision regarding the military pact. The Army, in obtaining agreement within the armed forces, was able to obtain basic acceptance of their demands but conceded some changes in the wording. The Army works for signing