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Parent | Japanese - German - Italian Collaboration |
Date | |
Language | English |
Collection | Tavenner Papers & IMTFE Official Records |
Box | Box 14 |
Folder | Japan, Germany, Italy Collaboration and Introduction |
Repository | University of Virginia Law Library |
against China and under certain circumstances against America: "
The problem with regard to Mongolia was considered a great obstacle to the establishment of the so-called "Imperial Way" and as early as 1933 the accused ARAKI stressed Japanese determination to crush any country which opposed the establish¬ment of the "Imperial Way*"5 The "Foreign policy of the Empire"
4.Exhibit 701, TP 7,509- In a report dated 14 July 1932 by Lt. Col. KAWABE, Torashiro. the Japanese Military Attache in Moscow, later promoted to the rank of Lt, General of the Japanese army, the following statement appears?
"As to the obstacles such as Chinese maneuvers, res-traints by the League of Nations, acts of America and Russia, etc., against the accomplishment of the great task, we should employ proper diplomacy and endeavor to exclude the obstacles as well as avoiding making matters worse, but it is necessary for us to be ready to appeal to arms against Russia, China and under certain circumstances against America if it is inevitable. Therefore, the emphasis must be laid on the repletion of military armaments against Russia.* * *
"A Russo-Japanese War in the future is unavoidable."
5.(a) Exhibit 760, TP 7*829. In the article "Japan's Mission in the Showa Era," by the accused ARAKI, Sadao, former War Minister of Japan, published in 1933? appears this statements
"* * *The problem of Mongolia may become a far greater obstacle to the proclamation of the Imperial Way than the Manchurian problem. Therefore, it will be necess¬ary to make it clear at this point, that we have a resolute determination to crush any country that turns against the Imperial V/ay."
(b) Exhibit 761-A, TP 7,831. In a report dated 28 March 1936 by the accused ITAGAKI expounding the designs of the Japanese military to seize the Mongolian People's Republic, it was stated $
"If Outer Mongolia be combined with Japan and Ilanchukuo, Soviet territory in the Far East will fall into a very dangerous condition, and it is possible that the influ¬ence of the Soviet Union in the Far East might be removed almost without fighting. Therefore-, the Army aims to extend Japanese-Manchurian power into Outer Mongolia by all means at hand* * *."
and at page 7*833, appears the following 1