Page 4
Parent | Teletype Conference June 5, 1946 |
Date | 5 June 1946 |
Language | English |
Collection | Tavenner Papers & IMTFE Official Records |
Box | Box 3 |
Folder | General Reports and Memoranda from June 1946 |
Repository | University of Virginia Law Library |
Telecon – 5 June 46 – Page 4
WD 32
Reuritem 5.
Cannot give approval of plan now but will present it tomorrow to Director, War Crimes Branch for study and will cable answer immediately.
WD 14
Are there any other war crimes courts in places other than Tokyo, Manila and Yokohama, if so, where are they located?
Reuritem 14, as far as IPS and Legal Section are concerned courts in places mentioned are only ones.
WD 22
For Colonel Carpenter:
A.Advise this office whether there is any material or books which we could obtain for you that might be helpful to your Section. Sometime ago we sent to Tokyo a bibliography which was prepared by Dr. Lemkin of the Plane and Policy Section. You may desire certain of the articles and books listed therein. If so, advise.
B.Reuritem 9, paragraph 3, 26 May: Advise if apprehension order for IJM personnel responsible for sinking SS Jean Nicolet has been issued. Would appreciate if GHQ-SCAP would put this office on distribution list of all orders for apprehension, arrest of suspects, trials of accused, sentences, reviews of sentences, release of suspects from custody of executions, and final disposition of cases under consideration by war crimes tribunals.
C.In connection with the case concerning the massacre of approximately 150 American prisoners of war, Puerto Princesa Camp, Palawan, Philippine Islands, advise if the accused in this case are now in custody. Our files indicate that the accused have been identified. Reference is made to cable dated 21 February 1946 No. B-43 from Manila in which you advised that the Japanese responsible for this massacre were not repeat not in custody.
D.Reurletter 8 April 1946 with list of witnesses desired for temporary duty, for purposes of assisting completing investigations and testifying on war crimes committed in listed POW camps. Extreme difficulty being experience here getting witnesses to go. Majority now beyond military control or not subject to further compulsory overseas duty by reason of points or service. Whole matter being presented to Joint Chiefs of Staff for policy decision. This is simply to advise you there may be long delay in getting some of the witnesses requested over to you and may not be able to get others over at all.