Page 4
Parent | List of Basic Documents |
Date | 5 March 1947 |
Language | English |
Collection | Tavenner Papers & IMTFE Official Records |
Box | Box 4 |
Folder | General Reports and Memoranda from March 1947 |
Repository | University of Virginia Law Library |
Page 4
190Basic relations Treaty between Japan and Wang Ching Wei
74Jap-Thai land non-aggression Pact, 12 June 1940
858French Indo-China-Thailand armistice, 31 January 1941
1258Japanese-Vichy Commercial Treaty, 6 May 1941
226U.S. order freezing Japanese and Chinese assets, 25 July 1941
4018Military Convention between Japan, Germany and Italy, 18 January 1942
199The Japanese Constitution
200The Imperial House Law
201Imperial Ordinance on the Organization of the Cabinet (NAIKAKU KANSEI)
209Imperial Ordinance on the Organization of the Board of Planning of the
179Imperial Ordinance on the General Rules of the Organization of Ministries (KAKUSHO KANSEI TSUSOKU)
186Imperial Ordinance on the Organization of the Ministry of War (RIKUGUNSHO KANSEI)
178Imperial Ordinance on the Organization of the Ministry of the Navy (KAIGUNSHO KANSEI)
182Imperial Ordinance on the Organization of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (GAIMUSHO KANSEI)
181 Rules of Imperial Military Ordinance (GUNREI NI KAN SURU KEN)
184Imperial Military Ordinance on the Organization of the General Staff Office of the Army (SAMBO HOMBU JOREl)
183Imperial Military Ordinance on the Organization of the General Staff Office of the Navy (GUNREIBU JOREl)
185Imperial Military Ordinance on the Organization of the Imperial General Headquarters (DAIHONEI JOREl)
202Law on the Diet (GIIN HO)
203Imperial Ordinance on the House of Peers (KIZOKUIN REI)
204Imperial Ordinance on the Organization of the Privy Council and its Rules of Procedure (SUMITSUIN KANSEI OYOBI JIMU KITEl)
196Imperial Ordinance on the Organization of the Ministry of the Imperial Household (KUNAISHO KANSEI)