Page 45
Parent | Japanese - German - Italian Collaboration |
Date | |
Language | English |
Collection | Tavenner Papers & IMTFE Official Records |
Box | Box 14 |
Folder | Japan, Germany, Italy Collaboration and Introduction |
Repository | University of Virginia Law Library |
followed by the occupation of Spratley Islands , French possess-
ions, lying off the coast of French Inc.o-China on 30 Larch 1939 ?
and the placing of these islands under the jurisdiction of the
Government of Tainan. 113 Territorial claims were also made by
the Japanese to the Paracels Islands. 114
Japanese plans in the South Seas wore also manifested
in respect to the Netherlands Hast Indies and No*:/ Guinea. In
Kay 1939 the Branch Manager of the Southwest Development Company
reported the progress of Japanese enterprises in the Netherlands
East Indies. He stated that Japanese requirements could not be
satisfied by the mandated territories only, and that the next
important problem would have to be met by "the expansion of the
Japanese in Great Nov/ Guinea." Ho closed his report with the
request that the best be done "for the exploitation of Great New
Guinea." 115 On 12 January 1940, Japan abrogated the Japanese-
Netherlands Treaty. Tier interest in the South Seas '/as also
indicated by the opening of a now consulate at Noumea, Capitol
of New Caledonia, on 20 ;larch 1940. 116
The passage of war materials through Indo-China to Chiang Kai-shek gave rise to protests from the Japanese Govern¬ment at various times in 1938? 1939 and 1940. The J-pr.noso government admitted that it was fully aware that since war had not been declared by either Japan or China, the French were not
113.Exhibit 512, TP 6,14;.
114.Exhibit 6l6-A, TP 6,804.
115.Exhibit 1326-D, TP 11,907, 119910.
116.TP 6,143.