Page 45
Parent | Collaboration Between Japan, Germany and Italy - Volume II |
Date | 25 November 1941 |
Language | English |
Collection | Tavenner Papers & IMTFE Official Records |
Box | Box 15 |
Folder | Japan, Germany, Italy Collaboration Vol 2 |
Repository | University of Virginia Law Library |
that the Japanese have up to now failed to make any orders, a fact which we can only regret* - The German deliveries of armaments to China cannot be made the object of German-Japanese negotiations. Since a situation has now arisen which approximates a state of war further deliveries of war material to China will cease because of our neutral attitude*
"Withdrawal of our military advisors in China would at the present moment mean that we are taking sides against Nanking and is therefore out of question* A withdrawal of the advisors could possibly also lead to the vacated positions being occupied by Russians; this is a consequence which is also undesirable for the Japanese* The Japanese Military Attache has up to now only stated, in the War Ministry, his wish that the advisors may not participate in active combat actions* Advisors have always had a corresponding instruction which recently has been expressly restated* MUshakoji, who was informed of this, acknowledged this measure with thanks*
WA remark of the Adjutant to the War Minister that the policy of cooperation of the Japanese Army is en¬dangered by our attitude in the question of the advisors since the already existing opposition of single groups of Japanese officers is threatening to spread to the masses, finds no understanding here*
,fI have just informed Ambassador MUSHAKOJI in ac¬cordance with the above statements in a cordial manner