Page 558

Parent Collaboration between Japan, Germany and Italy Vol. VII
Language English
Collection Tavenner Papers & IMTFE Official Records
Box Box 15
Folder Japan, Germany, Italy Collaboration Vol 7
Repository University of Virginia Law Library
Italians. On the whole, however, the demonstration was not very enthusiastic; it must not be forgotten that it was three o'clock in the afternoon, the people were hungry, and the day was rather cold. These are factors which are not conducive to arousing enthusiasm. "In the evening RIBBENTROP asks us to join a German move to urge the countries of the Tripartite Alliance to declare war on the United States. What about Spain? “December 12, 1941 “The Vichy press speaks of the cordiality of the reception in Turin and this has made the Duce nervous. I gave MACKENSEN the report of my talk with DARLAN; I emphasized the advisability of sending a political representative to Vichy. This would also deprive the Armistice Commission of the political functions it is not competent to carry our and which generals do not always handle very successfully.” (b)Document 2104, (Exhibit No. 51): “(Official Announcement concerning Foreign Relations 1941, Made by Board of Information.) “XCIV. ANNOUNCEMENT OF THE BOARD OF INFORMATION CNOCERNING THE CONCLUSION OF AN AGREEMENT BETWEEN JAPAN, GERMNAY AND ITALY WITH RESPECT TO THEIR JOINT PROSECUTION OF WAR