Page 6
Parent | Patriotic Organizations |
Date | 5 March 1947 |
Language | English |
Collection | Tavenner Papers & IMTFE Official Records |
Box | Box 4 |
Folder | General Reports and Memoranda from March 1947 |
Repository | University of Virginia Law Library |
RONIN KAI (Ronin Society)
(This was a temporary union of the GENYOSHA and the KOKURYU KAI, the two original ultra-nationalistic organizations.)
ROSO KAI (Old-Young Society)
YUZ0N SHA (Nevertheless Exists Society)
TAIKA KAI (Great Change Society)
AIKOKU KINRO TO (Patriotic Labor Party)
KYUSHIN AIKOKU TO (Forward Patriots' Party)
DAIGYO SHA (Great Act Society)
GYOCHI SHA (Act on Earth Society)
SANGO KAI (35 Society)
DOKURITSU SEINEN SHA (Independent Youth League)
BUSHIN KAI (Samurai Gods Society)
NATIONALISTIC GROUPS - Mostly devoted to war on communism, to be
considered conservative in nature.
DAI NIPPON KOKUSUI KAt (Great Japan National Purity Society)
KOKUHON SHA (National Foundation Society)
SEKKA BOSHI DAN (Defense Against the Reds Group)
KENKOKU KAI (National Construction Society)
YAMATO NINRO KAI (Yamato People's Labor Society)
KEIRIN GAKUMEI (Statecraft Scholars' League)
KOKUSHIKAN DAIGAKU (Patriots' College)
SEISHIN KAGAKU KENKYO (Spiritual Science Research Institute)
GENRI NIPPON SHA (Fundamental Japan Society)
NATIONALIST-GROUPS - Formed during the Constitutional Struggle
in 1935 and nationalistic to the extent that they fought desperately against the proposed changes in the constitution which would have lessened the Emperor's divinity and his divine mission to rule the world.