Page 81

Parent Japanese - German - Italian Collaboration
Language English
Collection Tavenner Papers & IMTFE Official Records
Box Box 14
Folder Japan, Germany, Italy Collaboration and Introduction
Repository University of Virginia Law Library
prosecution of war by Germany and Italy against Britain, Germany and Italy, it was intended, should cooperate in furnishing, machin¬ery and technical assistance to Japan; and give as much political and economic cooperation as possible in the settlement of the China Incident. These considerations were likewise to be treated as confidential. 196 Third. The negotiations with respect to the matters set forth in the two preceding paragraphs were to be conducted in accordance with five basic essentials for the strengthening of Axis collaboration as follows: A. Japan's sphere for the construction of a New Order in East Asia should include the former German islands under mandate, French Indo-China, the Pacific Islands, Thailand, British Malaya, British Borneo, Dutch East Indies,'Burma, Australia, New Zealand, India and other countries, with Japan, Manchuria and China as the backbone, but it was intended that the present negotiations would be confined to the region from Burma eastward, includ¬ing the Dutch East Indies, and New Caledonia north¬ward. With regard to the Dutch East Indies, it was declared that the goal should be to have it in a state of preparedness for independence with the immediate objective of securing recognition of Japan's position of political and economic predomi¬nance. The same situation, it was intended, should pertain to French Indo-China. 197 196.Exhibit 541, TP 6,312-6,314. 197.Exhibit 541, TP 6,314-6,315.