Page 84

Parent Japanese - German - Italian Collaboration
Language English
Collection Tavenner Papers & IMTFE Official Records
Box Box 14
Folder Japan, Germany, Italy Collaboration and Introduction
Repository University of Virginia Law Library
(1)In the event that the China Incident should become nearly settled, Japan would use armed force "by taking as favorable an opportunity as may be afforded by the situation prevailing at home and abroad." (2)In the event that the China Incident shall not have been settled, it would be Japan's guiding principle to take action within limits short of war. However, if domestic and foreign con¬ditions take a decidedly favorable turn, or if it is considered that, irrespective of whether Japan is completely prepared or not, the development of the international situation should permit of no further delay, Japan would resort to armed force. 201 Fourth. It was determined that the understandings men-tioned above need not necessarily take the form of agreements. 202 The principal purpose of the negotiations for mutual support and cooperation with regard to the China Incident and the European War was to secure recognition of Japan's hope of pre¬dominance In the whole of East Asia, including the South Seas. It was decided that in the event Germany and Italy desired Japanese military cooperation against Britain, Japan was prepared to meet the desire. The explanation was to be made to Germany and Italy that Japan would make its decisions independently in 201.Exhibit 541, TP 6,319 202.Exhibit 541, TP 6,321