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Parent | Doc. 6907 - Collaboration Between Japan, Germany and Italy, Volume 1 - Opening Statement |
Date | |
Language | English |
Collection | Tavenner Papers & IMTFE Official Records |
Box | Box 15 |
Folder | Japan, Germany, Italy Collaboration Vol 1 |
Repository | University of Virginia Law Library |
Doc. No. 6907
if the country concerned was one other than Russia. On 4 May 1939, Premier HIRANUMA, in a declaration addressed to HITLER, stated that Japan was firmly and steadfastly resolved to furnish military aid to Germany and Italy even if one of these two powers were attacked by a power other than Russia, but that such support, in view of Japan1s existing situation, could not be given until a change of circumstances make it possible. While the negotiations were still being conducted Germany and the Soviet Union concluded a non-aggression pact on 23 August 1939» which Japan considered constituted a violation of the secret agreement attached to the Anti-Comintern Pact. Repercus¬sions in Japan were so great that the HIRANUMA Cabinet immediately fell.
B. Conclusion of the Tri-Partite Pact
Both Japan and Germany continued with their respective plans for aggression. Japan's Interest in the area south of China and in the Pacific was shown by the seizure and occupation of Hainan Island off the coast of Indo-Chlna on 11 February 1939 and the Spratley Islands southeast of Indo- Chlna on 31 March 1939, and in September 1939 Ambassador OSHIMA expressed the view to HITLER that Japan, especially the Navy, was ready for an advance in Southeast Asia, which action he had proposed.
In March 1940 there was an apparent stiffening of political attitude by the Japanese on the one hand and