Page 93
Parent | Collaboration Between Japan, Germany and Italy - Volume II |
Date | 25 November 1941 |
Language | English |
Collection | Tavenner Papers & IMTFE Official Records |
Box | Box 15 |
Folder | Japan, Germany, Italy Collaboration Vol 2 |
Repository | University of Virginia Law Library |
"The texts of the Accord and of the Supplementary Protocol, of November 25* 1936, and also the text of the Protocol of November 6, 1937, are attached as appendices to this Protocol*
"This Protocol is drawn up in Japanese, Italian, German and Spanish, each of which text shall be considered as authentic* This Protocol shall take effect from the day it is signed*
"In witness whereof, the undersigned, duly authorized by their respective governments, have signed this Protocol and affixed their seals thereon*
"Drawn up in quadruplicate in BURGOS on March 27, Showa. 14, or 1939, corresponding to March 27 in the 17th year of the Fascist Era, March 27 of the 3rd year of victory of New Spain.
Makoto YANO (Seal)
Viola di CAMPALTO (Seal)
Eberhard von STOHRER (Seal)
"ACCORD AGAINST THE COMMUNIST INTERNATIONALE "The IMPERIAL JAPANESE GOVERNMENT and the GERMAN GOVERNMENT, Recognizing that the aim of the Communist Internation (so-called 1 Comintern') lies in the destruction and oppression of the existing states by all possible means, firmly believing that to overlook the interference of the Communist-Internationale in the domestic affairs