Document Numbers by Topics and Dates

Document Numbers by Topics and Dates

Language English
Collection Tavenner Papers & IMTFE Official Records
Box Box 10
Folder Reports: Summaries of IPS Documents
Repository University of Virginia Law Library
Lists document numbers that correspond to specific topics and corresponding dates. Categories include: September 18, 1931: Japan Attacked Republic of China - thereafter Japanese Government adopted and supported the aggression; February 6, 1932: Japan refused to accept assistance from the U.S., Great Britain, and France in settlement of dispute; September 15, 1932: Japan recognized independence of Manchukuo; 1932 and thereafter: Japan established general superiority of rights in favor of its own nationals, economic exploitation of Manchukuo; March 27, 1933: Japan resigned from League of Nations; 1936:Anti-Comintern Pact; July 7, 1937: Japan attacked Republic of China; January 25, 1937: Japan refused to participate in Far Eastern Adv. Com. League of No); October 27, 1937 & November 12, 1937: Japan refused to discuss application of stipulations of 9-Power Treaty Conference of Brussels; November 1938: Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere commenced; March 31, 1939: Japan annexed Sinnan Islands - Spratley Islands; September 22, 1940: Japan entered into agreement with Vichy providing for immediate lending of limited number of troops in Indo-China; September 27, 1940: Japan entered into Tripartite Agreement with Germany and Italy; November 30, 1940: Japan recognized independence of National Government of Republic of China (puppet), entered into Treaty; February 1, 1941: Peace signed between French Indo-China and Thailand with Japan as mediator; July 29, 1941: Protocol between Vichy and Japan whereby Japan and Vichy agree to cooperate militarily for defense of Indo-China; December 20, 1920 to December 7, 1941: Japan established military and naval bases and erected fortifications in Mandated Islands of Marshall, Marianna, and Caroline; December 7-8, 1941: Japan attacked U.S., Great Britain, and Thailand; January 11, 1942: Japan invaded Netherlands East Indies after declaration of war by Netherlands on December 8, 1941; February 19, 1942: Japan invaded Portuguese Timor