Certificate from Lt. Colonel TARANENKO G. I. regarding IPS Documents |
Doc 2155 B - On the Occasion of the 15th Anniversary - ARAKI Statement |
Doc 2178 (C) - Policy for the Adjustment of the New Relations Between Japan and China |
Doc 2242 - Map of the Part of the State Border |
Doc. 2127 - Report On Construction of Military Dumps in Korea from 1931 to 1945 |
Doc. 2129 - Report on the Increase of Construction of Network of Railroads and Highways in Korea from 1931 - 1945 |
Doc. 2131 - Report on Construction of Fortified Areas in Korea from 1931 to 1945 |
Doc. 2132 - Report on the Increase of the Network of Airfields in Korea from 1931 to 1945 |
Doc. 2134 - Report on the Increase of the Airfield System in Manchuria from 1931 to 1945 |
Doc. 2148 - About the Construction of Fortified Districts in Manchuria in the Period from 1934 to 1945 |
Doc. 2150 - REport on the Increase of Barrack Capacity in Korea in the Period from 1931 to 1945 |
Doc. 2151 - Report on the Increase of the Network of Railways and Highways in Manchuria from 1931 to 1945 |
Doc. 2155 - C - On the 1st Anniversary of the China Incident - ARAKI Statement |
Doc. 2155, Item III - On the First Anniversary of the China Incident - ARAKI Statement |
Doc. 2157 - Interrogation of OSHIMA, Hiroshi dated 26 February 1946 |
Doc. 2178 (A) - The Essential Points of Administration in the Hankow District |
Doc. 2178 (B) - The Essential Points of Administration with the Development of Military Operation in South China |
Doc. 2178 (G) - On the Expenses Required for the 'WU' Project |
Doc. 2178 (H) - The Outline for Establishment of the MENG-KIANG (Mongolian Border) Federated Government |
Doc. 2242 - Japanese Provocative Acts in the Area of the Lake Hassan |
Doc. 2312-B - Minutes on the Discussion of the Reich Minister for Foreign Affairs with Ambassador OSHIMA |
Doc. 2361 - The Three-Power Pact and the World of Tomorrow by SHIRATORI |
Doc. 2377-A - The Tripartite Alliance and the United States of America |
Doc. 2570 - 2579, Inclusive, Description |
Doc. 2570-B - Relating to ITAGAKI |
Doc. 2570A - Re Conducting of the Propaganda for the Present Situation |
Doc. 2570B - Matters Decided Upon at the Five Ministers' Conference as of October 31, 1938 |
Doc. 2593-D - Condensed Version of Conversation between KURUSU and YAMAMOTO |
Doc. 2593C - Telegram re Occupation of Southern French Indo-China |
Doc. 2654 - Prints of Microfilm Captured by American Military Forces in Germany |
Doc. 2772 - Class B and C Offenses - French Indo-China |
Doc. 2972 - Locations of Army Divisions |