Tavenner Papers & IMTFE Official Records, Box 13, Folder 2

Newspaper Clippings 1947-1948

Newspaper Cutting - Reputed Statement to German Foreign Office Disclaimed by Oshima
Newspaper Cutting - Ex-Japanese Admirals Deny Atrocity Charges At Tribunal Inquiry
Newspaper Cutting - Counsel Asks Acquittal for Ailing Defendant
Newspaper Cutting - Webb Rejects Defense Motion That He Resigns
Newspaper Cutting - Hirohito's Advisor To Take Tribunal Stand
Newspaper Cutting - Defense Style Muto as Ardent Peacemaker
Newspaper Cutting - Gen. Derevyanko Leaves Tokyo
Newspaper Cutting - Tribunal Defense Charges chinese Began Atrocities
Newspaper Cutting - Emperor Knew Of War Plans - Tojo
Newspaper Cutting - War Crimes Commission Dispatched to Visit Ailing Defense Witness
Newspaper Cutting - Gen. Minami Begins Defense of Manchuria Attack
Newspaper Cutting - Justice Pal Returns to Military Tribunal
Newspaper Cutting - Lady Attorney Sums Up Tribunal Hoshino Case
Newspaper Cutting - Australia Recalls Webb for Session of High Court
Newspaper Cutting - Togo Resisted Council Preceding War Is Plea
Newspaper Cutting - Gen. Cramer Replaces Webb
Newspaper Cutting - Araki Says Prosecution 'Misinterpreted' Statements
Newspaper Cutting - Tribunal Orders Russians To Produce Japan Generals
Newspaper Cutting - Witness Claims Tojo Favored Negotiations
Newspaper Cutting - Invasions Called 'Divinely Inspired' In Hoshino Speech
Newspaper Cutting - Japan Plotted U. S. War in October '41
Newspaper Cutting - Comyns-Carr to Speak at University Clubs
Newspaper Cutting - Chinese Hostility Provoked Attack Defense Asserts
Newspaper Cutting - Hirohito Tied to War By Aide's Testimony
Newspaper Cutting - Guilt for Pearl Harbor Laid on Adm. Yamamoto
Newspaper Cutting - Tickets Scalpers Laud Tojo's Glamor Power
Document re Newspaper Cutting - Togo Agreed to Late War Notice, Muto Says
Tokyo News (Formerly OKUYAMA SERVICE) - No. 4,652-A
Newspaper Cutting - Tojo Insists Reich Pact 'Defensive'
Newspaper Cutting - Kido Denies Bid for Gov't Control
Newspaper Cutting - No Tribunal Yesterday
Newspaper Cutting - Oshima Denies Being Tool for Nazi Alliance
Newspaper Cutting - Japan's Asia Action Motivated By Soviet Threat, IMT Told
Newspaper Cutting - Speedy, Lawful War Crimes Trial Finish Promised
Newspaper Cutting - Defense Insists Kido Innocent of Charges
Newspaper Cutting - Alleged War Atrocities Brought Before Court
Newspaper Cutting - Minami Testifies on his Own Behalf at Tokyo Tribunal
Newspaper Cutting - U.S. Refusal to Bow to Jap Demands Led to War -- Tojo
Newspaper Cutting - Defense Contends No War Started On Russia
Newspaper Cutting - Defense Claims Death May Martyr Tojo Gang
Newspaper Cutting - 'He Rose Like a Rocket, He Fell Like the Stick'
Newspaper Cutting - Togo May Get Death (plus full page newspaper)
Newspaper Cutting - Doolittle Fliers 'Didn't Have Chance,' Witness Testifies
Newspaper Cutting - Japanese Trial Defendents Not Bound By League, Tribunal Rules
Newspaper Cutting - 7 Prisoners Absent From IMTFE Trials
Newspaper Cutting - Tojo Names Men Advising Emperor
Newspaper Cutting - Emperor Wanted Info On Japanese War Might In '38
Newspaper Cutting - Emperor OKed Death for Fliers, Tribunal Hears
Newspaper Cutting - U.S. Dollars Claimed Sought For Manchukuo
Newspaper Cutting - Defense By-passes Ultimatum Question
Newspaper Cutting - Japanese Intention To Stay In China Revealed
Newspaper Cutting - Kido Tells of Efforts to Have Emperor Stop War
Newspaper Cutting - Army Drops Plans to Try 20 More Top Japan War-Leaders
Newspaper Cutting - IMTFE Judges Grant Defense Court Recess
Newspaper Cutting - Matsui Charged With Nanking Rape Atrocity
Newspaper Cutting - World Division Plans Revealed In Tojo Trial
Newspaper Cutting - War Flying Rule Expert Testifies At War Tribunal
Newspaper Cutting - Minami Claims Leading Role in Jap Surrender
Newspaper Cutting - Military Tribunal Dismisses Okawa On Insanity Plea
Newspaper Cutting - War Trial Prosecution To Open Final Phase
Newspaper Cutting - Prosecution Hits Sato For Misuse Of POWs
Newspaper Cutting - Justices At IMTFE Review War Ministry MP Security Force
Newspaper Cutting - Araki Denies Knowing of 'Plan Otsu' Attack on Soviets in 1922-24
Newspaper Cutting - Gen. Araki Insists Cabinet Masterminded War in China
Newspaper Cutting - Tojo, Co-Defendatns To Take Stand As Trial Nears Climactic Phase
Newspaper Cutting - Halfway Mark Reached In Individual War Trial Defense Presentations
Newspaper Cutting - Ten Documents Turned Down In Itagaki Case
Newspaper Cutting - Premier Assured Diet Of Japan's Readiness
Newspaepr Cutting - Tojo, 2 Other Accused Voted for Aggression
Newspaper Cutting - Oshima Called 'Evasive Witness' by Cramer
Newspaper Cutting - Defense Begins Pacific Phase of War Crimes Trial
Newspaper Cutting - Defendant Says Kido Influence Shaped War
Newspaper Cutting - IMTFE Stalled by Technical Points
Newspaper Cutting - SCAP Documents Held From Soviet Officials At IMT
Newspaper Cutting - Witness Denies Saying Doihara Was Slated For Manchuria Post
Newspaper Cutting - Special Commission Leaves Tokyo For Testimony of Ailing Witness
Newspaper Cutting - Koiso Blames Emperor For Break With China
Newspaper Cutting - IMT Accepts Defense Evidence For Togo
Newspaper Cutting - Webb Due Tomorrow
Newspaper Cutting - Ex-Japan Navy Head Blames Hull for Start of Conflict in Pacific
Newspaper Cutting - War Criminal Collapses
Newspaper Cutting - Oshima Admits Nazis Hinted at Forthcoming German-Russian War
Newspaper Cutting - 'Counterfiet Money Not Printed in Japan' - Kaya Appeal
Newspaper Cutting - Let the Readers Judge
Newspaper Cutting - Kwantung Forces Planned Attack On Russ In 1939
Newspaper Cutting - Ex-Premier Koiso Had Secret Plans To End War, Claims Defense
Newspaper Cutting - Tribunal Accepts Deane's Affadavit On Red War Plans
Newspaper Cutting - Keenan Resting After Cross-Examination Bout with Hideki Tojo
Newspaper Cutting - Court Grants Defense 6-Week Recess Plea
Newspaper Cutting - Webb Admits Litvinov Note Praising Hirota
Newspaper Cutting - Japanese General Lauds Tactics of U.S. Army
Newspaper Cutting - Tojo Admits Plunging Japan Into War, Denies He Plotted
Newspaper Cutting - Shimada Regrets Kota Bahru Attack on Singapore
Newspaper Cutting - Hirohito Opposed Pact With Germany In 1939
Newspaper Cutting - 'No Title' by United Press - 13 Apr. '48
Newspaper Cutting - Prosecution Drop NEI Charge Against Tojo
Newspaper Cutting - Record May Indict Japan Key Traders
Newspaper Cutting - Oka Linked To Role In Politics During War
Newspaper Cutting - Minami Says War Started With No Official Support
Newspaper Cutting - Tribunal Head, Defense Clash on Hirohito Actions
Newspaper Cutting - Shimada Charged With 'Ordering' Sneak Attack
Newspaper Cutting - Tribunal Fights Reading of Defense Affidavit
Newspaper Cutting - Koiso Quit When Leaders Killed China Peace Plan
Newspaper Cutting - Togo Blamed For Pearl Harbor Raid
Newspaper Cutting - Itagaki Denies Having Data on Manchu War
Newspaper Cutting - Japan War Crime Tribunal Is Series Of Rises, Drops
Newspaper Cutting - Defense Claims Russia Lacks Legal Grounds
Newspaper Cutting - War Crimes Prosecutor Shows Data on Japan's Control of Manchuria
Newspaper Cutting - Keenan Resting After Cross-Examination Bout with Hidecki Tojo
Newspaper Cutting - Prosecution Quizzes Ex-Japanese General
Newspaper Cutting - Hideki Tojo Sums Up Last Defense For Life
Newspaper Cutting - Japanese Army Spoiled '35 Sino-Nippon Parley
Newspaper Cutting - Looks To Early Treaty With Japan
Newspaper Cutting - Tojo on Trial
Newspaper Cutting - Tribunal Defense Seeks Affidavits From Hull, Others
Newspaper Cutting - Doihara Surprised by Hitler Medal, Witness Declares
Newspaper Cutting - Receipt Of Peace Plea In Time Would Not Halt War, Tojo Defense Says
Newspaper Cutting - Chinese Prosecutor In Trial Summation
Newspaper Cutting - Secret Report Links War Crimes Suspect with Mukaden Incident
Summary of News in the Japanese Press
Newspaper Cutting - Tojo's Earphones Plugged by Guard; Says He Was Bored
Newspaper Cutting - Chief of Nanking Rape Says China-Japan War Was 'Brotherly Fight'
Newspaper Cutting - Refusal By Soviet To Bring Witnesses Given Tribunal Consideration
Newspaper Cutting - IMTFE President Returns
Newspaper Cutting - Diet Man Testifies Tojo Rule Aimed At Waging War
Newspaper Cutting - Former Rear Admiral Airs Shanghai Incident to International Court
Newspaper Cutting - Alleged 'Confessions' of Doolittle Fliers Presented to IMTFE
Newspaper Cutting - China Negligence Brought War, Okamoto Asserts
Newspaper Cutting - Tojo to Shoulder Responsibility for Pacific War
Newspaper Cutting - Tojo Takes Stand While Wife Sobs
Newspaper Cutting - Matsui Admits Japan's Designs in Manchuria
Newspaper Cutting - Tojo Barks Defiance In Cross-Examination
Newspaper Cutting - Defense Tags Blockade As Top Atrocity Cause
Newspaper Cutting - Saionji-Harada Diary Says Shiratori Urged League Withdrawal
Newspaper Cutting - IMT Defense Readies Last Trial Appearance
Newspaper Cutting - Doolittle Fliers 'Didn't Have Chance,' Witness Testifies (plus full page newspaper)
Newspaper Cutting - Waging War Is Not Crime, Declares Tojo
Newspaper Cutting - Verbose Testimony of Japanese Witnesses Irking Tribunal Judges
Newspaper Cutting - Tribunal Member Charges Defense Preparing Insults
Newspaper Cutting - Togo Admits Emperor Was 'Kept In Dark'
Newspaper Cutting - Witness Says Pressure of Railway Urged Manchurian Industry Advance
Newspaper Cutting - Kido Says Hirohito Had No Power To Curb War
Newspaper Cutting - Witness Declares Japs Feared U. S. Invasion in 1931
Newspaper Cutting - American Counsel Calls Russian Charges Absurd
Newspaper Cutting - Japanese Invasion of Indo-China Prompted Foreign Pressure - Tojo
Newspaper Cutting - IMT Rules No Rebuttal On Territory Claims
Newspaper Cutting - Witness Admits Japan Tried to Upset Chiang
Newspaper Cutting - Doihara Tagged as One of Key Troublemakers in Japanese Conspiracy
Newspaper Cutting - The 'Shakai' Vol. 2 No. 6
Newspaper Cutting - Charge 10-Year Plot Against West Powers
Newspaper Cutting - Shiratori Says Axis Was Friendship Gesture
Newspaper Cutting - Defense May Ask Month Recess of Tokyo War Trials
Newspaper Cutting - Webb Points Out Press Misquoted Trial Proceedings
Newspaper Cutting - Tribunal Rejects Ishibashi Affidavit
Newspaper Cutting - Tojo To Base Defense Plea On U.S. Court Decision On State Of War
Newspaper Cutting - Doihara Portrayed As 'China Specialist' By War Crimes Defense
Newspaper Cutting - IMT Names Kimura As 'Butcher In Burma'
Newspaper Cutting - Sugamo Prison Releases 15 War Crimes Suspects
Newspaper Cutting - Japan Bosses Planned Puppet Setup in China
Newspaper Cutting - War Crimes Trial, Longest In History, Adjourns For Verdict
Newspaper Cutting - Tojo Says Japan Guessed Badly On Russia, Germany
Newspaper Cutting - Soviet Explains Delay of IMTFE Witnesses
Newspaper Cutting - War To Save Asia From Reds, Defense Claims
Newspaper Cutting - Araki Described as Hero of Japan Expansionists
Newspaper Cutting - Mongol Diplomat Halts International Tribunal With Language Barrier
Newspaper Cutting - Oshima Assured Reich Of Attack On Russia
Newspaper Cutting - Tribunal Assumes Drastic Controls Over Testimony
Newspaper Cutting - Webb Accuses Jiro Minami Defense of Using Tribunal for Propaganda
Newspaper Cutting - 'Pro-Militirist' Record Explained by Shiratori
Newspaper Cutting - Webb Answers Charge of Unfair Prosecution
Newspaper Cutting - Defense Says Hirota Worked to Halt War
Newspaper Cutting - Tribunal To Consider Documentary Evidence
Newspaper Cutting - Hidaka Defends Matsui In 'Rape of Nanking' Issue
Newspaper Cutting - Kwantung Army's Advances in '33 Aired at Tribunal
Newspaper Cutting - Defense Contends Japan was Forced into Pacific War (plus full page newspaper)
Newspaper Cutting - Minami Claims Japan Only Wanted to Eliminate Western Domination
Newspaper Cutting - Defense Presents Final Plea For Okinori Kaya
Newspaper Cutting - Witness Contradict War Crimes Evidence
Newspaper Cutting - Mrs. Tojo Sees Hidecki On Stand First Time
Newspaper Cutting - Pacific War 'Was Not' Japanese Aggression Defense Panel Claims
Newspaper Cutting - Keenan Urges 20 Be Freed
Newspaper Cutting - U. S. Counsel Quits After Webb Clash
Newspaper Cutting - Tribunal Trial Violates Potsdam Declaration, Says Tojo in Appeal
Newspaper Cutting - Tojo Accepts Blame For Death Of Doolittle Fliers
Newspaper Cutting - Kwantung Army's Top Secret Diary Revealed
Newspaper Cutting - Tojo Admits Playing 'Manchuria Gang' Role
Newspaper Cutting - Tojo Counsel Evidence Rejected By Tribunal
Newspaper Cutting - Magnifying Glass Used at Trial (plus full page newspaper)
Newspaper Cutting - Kido Blames Militarists For War, Admits Choosing Tojo
Newspaper Cutting - Tojo Opposed Japan's Pulling Out of China
Newspaper Cutting - Questioning Of Zorge Dropped By Tribunal
Newspaper Cutting - Vasilyev Demands Hard Sentence for Warlords
Newspaper Cutting - IMTFE Judges Grant Defense Court Recess
Newspaper Cutting - Defense Says Shimada Choice 'Trick of Fate'
Newspaper Cutting - Tojo Takes Posthumous Name in Buddhist Rite
Newspaper Cutting - Hirohito Absolved of War Guilt by Keenan
Newspaper Cutting - Kido Recalls Fear of Assassinations
Newspaper Cutting - Allied POWs Sent to Korea To Show Failure
Newspaper Cutting - Sato Declines Witness Stand at IMTFE Trial
Newspaper Cutting - Japanese Law Cited to Prove Warlord Guilt
Newspaper Cutting - War Premier Testifies To Early Peace Plans
Newspaper Cutting - Counsel For H. Oshima Begins Final Argument
Newspaper Cutting - IMTFE Scanning Kurusu's Pre-War Peace Talk In U.S
Newspaper Cutting - Defense Claims Japan Opposed Red Expansion
Newspaper Cutting - For the Sake of World Peace and Humanity