Tokyo News No. 4,617-A

Tokyo News No. 4,617-A

Date 14 November 1947
Language English
Collection Tavenner Papers & IMTFE Official Records
Box Box 17
Folder Tokyo News/Economic November 1947
Repository University of Virginia Law Library
News excerpts from the Tokyo News (focused on Economic Issues) issued by Tokyo News Service, Ltd. Headlines include: Premier Explains How Nation Should Prepare for Peace Treaty and After; No Diet Dissolution or Cabinet Resignation, Says Premier in Diet; Nomizo Appointment Not Yet Decided, Nishio Hints to Press; Democrats Holding Casting Vote in Committee Over Coal Mines Control Bill Issue, If Put to Vote; Restaurants Will Not Re-Open Next January, ESB Official Tells Diet; Tatsuo Yamamoto, Veteran Politician, Dies at Age of 92 in Kamakura; State Examinations for Massagists Needle Doctors, Etc. Planned; Pornographic Literature to be Molested at End of Month; 'Safety Communication' Sabotage Spreads to Setagaya Post Office Yesterday; 7-Century Climatic Cycle Theory Endorsed by Yale Professor, Dr. Huntington, Just Before His Death; Textbook Committee Chosen, Consisting of 50 Members; Arbitration on Formula Ready for Communication Workers to be Submitted to the Government and the Communication