Doc. No. 949 - Analysis of Documentary Evidence

Doc. No. 949 - Analysis of Documentary Evidence

Date 25 March 1946
Language English
Collection Tavenner Papers & IMTFE Official Records
Box Box 24
Folder Selected Analysis Document Evidence - No Order
Repository University of Virginia Law Library
Analysis of Proceedings of Privy Council, Nov. 2 1936, re (1) "Ratification of Agreement for Suppression Use of Opium for Smoking," (2) "KWANTUNG Province Opium Order," (3) "Anti-Comintern Agreement." Persons Implicated: HIRANUMA, Kiichiro; HIROTA, Koki; SUZUKI, Kantaro; TERAUCHI, Count Hisaichi; ARITA, Koki (Present at meeting). Crimes to which document applicable: Background of opium trade; conspiracy against international peace.