Vasiliev Summation from February 5, 1948

Vasiliev Summation from February 5, 1948

Date 5 February 1948
Language English
Collection Tavenner Papers & IMTFE Official Records
Box Box 6
Folder General Reports and Memoranda from February 1948
Repository University of Virginia Law Library
Tavenner alerts Vasiliev to a section of Vasiliev's summation that addresses OSHIMA's part in influencing "negotiations with Hitlerite Germany in 1938 on the conlcusion of the Tri-Partite Pact . . . so that the Pact . . . be directed only against the USSR." Tavenner states where evidence has already been introduced that relates to OSHIMA's efforts to influence negotations for a military alliance and points out that there is ample evidence to show that while he didn't want a Pact to go against Russia, "he wanted to go further than that and have the pact apply to all nations." Tavenner suggests that appropate changes be made by Vasiliev to his summation to avoid conflicts with other evidence to be recited.