Report regarding the Defense General Summation, Sections F to M, from the standpoint of the individual accused OSHIMA

Report regarding the Defense General Summation, Sections F to M, from the standpoint of the individual accused OSHIMA

Date 23 March 1948
Language English
Collection Tavenner Papers & IMTFE Official Records
Box Box 6
Folder General Reports and Memoranda from March 1948
Repository University of Virginia Law Library
Note at top: "All references in this report are to Defense General Summation Section "I" (Japanese-German-Italian relations)." To the Summation Committee. Steiner lists the number of the item along with the page, line and paragraph to which his descriptions refer. He then gives a summary of the important points that are used by the Defense General Summation, Section "I" that could be useful for the Prosecution to address during their summations. Topics include OSHIMA's knowledge and influence regarding cooperation between Germany and Japan, the Anti-Comintern Pact, OSHIMA's following of instructions, the Five Ministers' Conference, military assistance, the Singapore question, the prospect of a German-Russo War, OSHIMA's knowledge regarding specific telegrams, misstatements regarding OSHIMA's resignation. On certain points, Steiner points out how the Defense has misstated evidence and where the Prosecution can find the citations that refer to evidence to refute their claims.