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Parent | Doc. No. 2400-A, Statement of Source, Certificate |
Date | 26 September 1946 |
Language | English |
Collection | Tavenner Papers & IMTFE Official Records |
Box | Box 3 |
Folder | General Memorandums and Reports from September 1946 |
Repository | University of Virginia Law Library |
Document No. 2400 A
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(A) IN order to reinforce preparatory measures towards Burma, the Japanese Consulate at Rangoon should be prompted to a Consulate-General and its staff increased by the addition of necessary personnel, whereby the preparatory measures for assisting the attainment of independence may be expedited.
(B) British exploitation of Burma, should be exposed by means of newspapers and pamphlets with the view to stimulating the race-consciousness of the Burmese.
(C) Under the pretense of sight-seeing or the inspection of industries, influential Burmese should be invited to visit Japan in order to discuss measures for attaining independence.
(D) Adequate contacts should be maintained with the various political p. 3 parties whose platforms call for the independence and freedom of Burma, and also with the priest class. The essence of Burmese Buddhism should be studied and in case counter-measures are to be provided, serious consideration should be given to them.
By the way, the political parties which aim at independence are as follows:
(1) The United Party.
This party represents a federation of five parties, namely: the People’s Party, ‘Ba Shi’ Party, Free Burma League, Mandalay 21 Group, and the Ba Shwe Party. Prince TE CHIN HWA, grandson of the last King of Burma is President of this party, which is guided by the influences of BA PE, head of the People’s Party, which is the Majority Party.
(2) BA MAW Party.
This is a powerful political party headed by ex-Premier Dr. BA MAW. Leading the masses through communism, this party ultimately aims at the complete independence of Burma. It was reported in the papers recently that BA MAW was held in custody.
(3) CHI HLIANG Party.
Headed by CHI HLIANG, President of the State Council, this party aims at attaining independence gradually.