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Parent | Kanji ISHIHARA (ISHIWARA) |
Date | 16 December 1946 |
Language | English |
Collection | Tavenner Papers & IMTFE Official Records |
Box | Box 3 |
Folder | General Reports and Memoranda from December 1946 |
Repository | University of Virginia Law Library |
Cont’d Page 2
Anonymous postcard in Japanese addressed to General MacArthur states in part:
“He is a most warlike person and has participated in the propagation of militarism among the local youth. There will be another Japanese American war unless the group of which he is the center is dissolved and the heads of the various branch groups thereof seized.”
g.On 16 January 1946 a non Japanese resident of Kobe reported that his Japanese circle of acquaintances were of the opinion that ISHIHARA had much to do with planning Japan’s program of military aggression.
(File 229-9)
h.The writer reported on 13 May 1946 that a responsible Japanese informant believes that ISHIHARA should have been indicted with the first group of war criminals and states that he is the most dangerous remaining member of the “Inner Group” which he claims determined Army policy.
4.An IPS letter to the Chief of Staff dated 13 March 1946 states in part “it is not contemplated that this individual will be indicted as a war criminal notwithstanding the fact that he was listed as a suspect by the War Crimes Board, Judge Advocate General’s office in September 1945 . . . . . . . .” The letter was apparently drafted by Major Barnard then of the Investigative Section, but upon what evidence is not known.
(File 229-14)
5.On 1 April 1946 Mr. Hardin in a memo to the Executive Committee recommended that subject be included tentatively for indictment stating that: “it seems reasonably clear from the subject’s history and connections that a case could be made against him.”
(File 229-18)
6.The foregoing evidence makes it abundantly clear that ISHIHARA along with ITAGAKI planned the Manchurian Incident. Inasmuch as the Kwantung Army which was the instrument by which this plan was carried out brought pressure to bear on the central army authorities (by threats of secession – Record page 2017), and the latter brought pressure on the civil government to commit a long series of illegal acts which led finally to the war with the U. S., it is respectfully but earnestly urged that ISHIHARA be placed under arrest at an early date and that his name be included on the list of Class A defendants for the next trial.