Economic News No. 26
News excerpts from the Tokyo News (focused on Economic Issues) issued by Tokyo News Service, Ltd. Headlines include: Steel, Pig Iron Output for October Less than September, Shortage of Coal, Power; Investigation Party Studying Bottleneck of Coal Production; 18,000 Tons of Slat Coming from Africa; Power Shortage in Central, Kansai Areas Worse than Kanto; Retail Prices (Official) of Bread, Biscuits, and Noodles Raised; Kob Bulls Sold for ¥110,000 at Auction; Oji Paper Mill's Output for Month is 18,634,000 Lb, Highest Since Surrender; Stocks of Tobacco Remaining Idle in Koriyama Monopoly Plant; 130,000 Tons of Freight Piled Up in Tohoku Area Due to Absenteeism of Engineers; Telegraphic Messages Addressed Abroad Exceed 300 a Day; The People's Bank Flooded with Requests for Loans; Whither Peanuts? Controls Extend Only Part Way; Vegetables Coming Into Capital in Good Volumes; Introducing Economic Journals of Japan
1947CE Nov 29th