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Parent Three Burmese, Jap Leave Sugamo for Trials in Burma News Article
Language English
Collection C.W.J. Phelps Collection
Box Box 1
Folder First Phelps Scrap Book
Repository University of Virginia Law Library
Three Burmese, Jap Leave Sugamo for Trials in Burma Three Burmese puppet diplomats and a Japanese army officer were moved out of their Sugamo Prison cells Tuesday to be taken to Burma it was announced Wednesday by Counter Intelligence officials. The four men are wanted by the British and Burmese governments. Dr. Thein Maung, puppet Burmese ambassador to Japan during the war, was arrested in Tokyo Sept 12. He will be accompanied on his forced trip to Burma by Maung Khin and Gyi Maung, both of the former Burmese Embassy. Lt. Col. Yoshitada Nagatomo, who was interned Dec. 15, allegedly commanded POW Branch Camp No. 1 in Thailand, and will be tried by the British government.