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Parent | China Rates Hirohito No. 1 on War Criminals List of 300 News Article |
Date | |
Language | English |
Collection | C.W.J. Phelps Collection |
Box | Box 2 |
Folder | Second Phelps Scrap Book |
Repository | University of Virginia Law Library |
Princes, Generals, Admirals
China Rates Hirohito No. 1 on War Criminals List of 300
Copyright by New York Tribune, Inc.
Tokyo, Nov. 5 – Emperor Hirohito appears as No. 1 on a politically explosive list of 300 Japanese sought by the Chinese government as war criminals, a list prepared for submission to General MacArthur, it was learned today.
The Emperor is “commander in chief of the Japanese army, navy and air forces,” and is described as a “principal war criminal.”
The list includes two other high members of the Japanese royal circle, Prince Fumimaro Konoye, who was premier when the “China incident” began in 1937 and who now is drafting a revision of the Japanese constitution for the Emperor and Gen. Prince Naruhiko Higashi-Kuni, a cousin of Hirohito, who resigned a month ago as premier of the “surrender cabinet” and who once commanded the Japanese forces in China north of the Yangtze River.
Konoye, who at present is in bad odor with General MacArthur over the question of whethe