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Parent Request to Punish Class A Criminals
Date 17 June 1946
Language EN; JA
Collection Roy L. Morgan Papers
Box Box 3
Folder 1946 [IMFTE] (IPS) Translations of interrogations.
Repository University of Virginia Law Library
made them face starvation. At the miserable state Gōjō with the Minister of War should die by disembowelment (‘harakiri’ by the Japanese old form), but he pretended to commit suicide by pistol and failed to die. It’s sure he intentionally missed the vital spot. There’s no other venture so speculative as war. When it was progressing smoothly and profitably, they, A class war criminals, said that it had been done by Imperial sanction and they endeavored to promote their court rank and to get various materials. So the soldiers who return to their home land after having done their duty faithfully