Telegram from Kuwashima at Tientsin to Shidehara

Telegram from Kuwashima at Tientsin to Shidehara

Date 24 August 1946
Language EN; JA
Collection David Nelson Sutton Papers
Box Box 7
Folder Folder 28 | [Telegrams to Foreign Minister Baron Kijūrō Shidekara], 1931
Repository Virginia Historical Society
IPS Document No. 1767, Exhibit 289. Telegram sent on November 3, 1931 from the Japanese Consul-General Kuwashima at Tientsin to Shidehara, Foreign Minister. Discusses the political relationship between Chiang Sue-Liang and Chiang Kai-shek as well as the situation in Manchuria. Also states how Japan's involvement with an abduction of the Emperor could be masked. Contains original Japanese.