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Tavenner Papers & IMTFE Official Records
Box 26
Folder 2
Tavenner Papers & IMTFE Official Records, Box 26, Folder 2
Miscellaneous Documents on Japanese Nationalism and Militarism
Untitled Essay on Japanese Actions
The Secret History of the Japanese Military Cliques Up to the Trial
The Brocade Banner - The Story of Japanese Nationalism
Synopsis of Notebook No. 136 of Scientific Research Society
Outline of Japan's Basic National Policy (Tentative Translation)
Measures vis-a-vis French Indo-China and Thailand (Tentative Translation)
List of Tentative Translation Documents of Decision on Important National Policies
Japan's Plans and Preparations for War Prior to 6 September 1941
History of Japanese Expansion in Relation to China
Decision Reached Following the Imperial Conference of July 2, 1941 (Tentative Translation)
Decision of the Liaison Conference, June 25, 1941 (Tentative Translation)
Decision of the Liaison Conference, July 27, 1940 (Tentative Translation)
Decision of the Liaison Conference, February 6, 1941 (Tentative Translation)
Decision of the Liaison Conference, February 3, 1941 (Tentative Translation)
Decision of the Imperial Headquarters Army and Navy Division (Tentative Translation)
Decision Following the Imperial Conference, November 13, 1940 (Tentative Translation)
Decision Following the Imperial Conference, December 1, 1941 (Tentative Translation)
Decision Following the Imperial Conference of September 6, 1941 (Tentative Translation)
Decision . . . Strengthening of the Japan-Germany-Italy Axis (Tentative Translation)
Cabinet Decision of October 25, 1940 (Tentative Translation)