Instructional Materials


Informs the Staff that a Central Interrogation Center has been established so in the future, "no interrogation of Japanese or other enemy aliens will be performed in Japan by agencies of any country, except by prior authority of and under the direct supervision of the Assistant Chief of Staff, G-2, General Headquarters." Outlines proper procedure to request an interrogation indicating that requests should be submitted in writing to Miss Abilock with approval being granted by the office of Roy Morgan.
1946CE Jun 4th

Memorandum of January 6 Re Instructions For Preparation of Individual Summations

Memorandum to the legal staff preparing summations against individual defendants. In order to clear up any confusion, Keenan instructs the legal staff to turn in three typed copies of completed summations to Mr. Horwitz by Friday, January 9th, 1948 at 4 P. M. States that the processing and reproduction of the summations will be completed at a later date after instructions have been given to the stenographers by Miss Braun in Room 340.
1948CE Jan 7th


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