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Parent | Says People Tried to Mob U. S. Fliers News Article |
Date | |
Language | English |
Collection | C.W.J. Phelps Collection |
Box | Box 1 |
Folder | First Phelps Scrap Book |
Repository | University of Virginia Law Library |
Says People Tried to Mob U. S. Fliers
Ex-Jap Policeman Testifies at Trial
YOKIOHAMA (AP) – A former Japanese Kempeitai (though police) testified in a war crimes trial that Japanese had to use fixed bayonets “in order to keep the people from mobbing captured American fliers.”
Shoichi Uzawa made the remark testifying in the trial of two Japanese for beheading Lt. Darwin R. Emry, who was captured after a B-29 crashed on May 25, 1945.
“There were some in a crowd who may have lost sons or homes during the war and perhaps had ill feeling against Americans” Uzawa continued in describing the scene when Emry was captured in a small village near Tokyo.
Massaki Mabuchi and Jutaro Kikuchi, former army officers, are being tried in this case which is the first involving atrocities against B-29 crewmen.