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Parent Keenan Sets Prosecutions at Two Months News Article
Language English
Collection C.W.J. Phelps Collection
Box Box 2
Folder Second Phelps Scrap Book
Repository University of Virginia Law Library
Keenan Sets Prosecutions at Two Months On Way to Washington for conference with Attorney General Clark Honolulu, June 12 (UP) - Joseph B. Keenan, Chief of the allied Prosecution Section which will present the case against Hideki Tojo and other leading Japanese war criminal suspects, said prosecution is expected to require two months. Keenan arrived from Tokyo by plane and plans to leave today for Washington to confer with Attorney General Tom Clark and other officials. Keenan said the Japanese populace is apathetic toward the trials and has shown no resentment so far. He told the press that the defendants were charged with offensive acts as contrasted with offensive acts as contrasted with the defensive nature of America’s atomic bomb war.