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Parent | Bald Pate of Tojo Catches a Slap by a Jap News Article |
Date | |
Language | English |
Collection | C.W.J. Phelps Collection |
Box | Box 1 |
Folder | First Phelps Scrap Book |
Repository | University of Virginia Law Library |
Bald Pate of Tojo Catches a Slap by a Jap
TOKYO, May 3 (AP) – Two resounding smacks on the bald head of war time Premier Hideki Tojo, administered by a gibbering co-defendant, broke the solemnity of an allied courtroom today during arraignment of top flight Japanese on war crime charges.
Shumei Okawa, long an advocate of aggression to drive the white races from Asia, shocked the court by his antics. Twice he had bared his breast and shouted gibberish. Each time Lt. Col. A. S. Kenworthy, court provost marshal, had patiently buttoned Okawa’s shirt.
Then Okawa leaned forward and slapped the glistening head of Tojo, seated just ahead of him. The justices of 11 allied nations maintained their dignity. The former war ministry auditorium, crowded with spectators, echoed with slaps. Tojo just smiled.