Tojo Secures Tokyo Lawyer For Defense News Article

Tojo Secures Tokyo Lawyer For Defense News Article

Date 10 March 1946
Language English
Collection C.W.J. Phelps Collection
Box Box 1
Folder First Phelps Scrap Book
Repository University of Virginia Law Library
Reports that "Dr. Ichiro Kiyose, along with Matasaku Shoibara, will defend former Premier Hideki Tojo at the international trial of Japanese war criminals scheduled for some time in April." Gives a brief biographical background of Kiyose as well as statements he made in the past indicating that he "opposed dicatatorship of militarists." Kiyose provided his reasoning behind defending Tojo by informing the public that "he had undertaken to defend the head of the Pearl Harbor cabinet in order to clarify his responsibility and to protect he human rights of the accused."