Item: Memo of Inquiries for Conference with HattaNotes on Railways MinistryArrangements for Hatta Interview February 27Notes on North China Development CoArrangements for Hatta Interview February 28Notes on Hatta, YQuestions Regarding Japan in ManchukuoMemo Notes on HattaArrangements for Hatta Interview March 4Translation & Notes on Japanese articleQuestion on Hiranuma CabinetInterview Request for Yoshiaki HattaInterrogation of Hatta, YoshiakiNotes on Hatta, YoshiakiArrangements for Hatta Interview March 5New Address of Yoshiaki Hatta as of 24 May 1941Interrogation of Yoshiaki Hatta (Cont'd) 4 March 1946Interrogations re Economic AggressionInterrogation of Yoshiaki Hatta (Cont'd) 5 March 1946Notes on Manchukuo - HattaInterrogation of Yoshiaki Hatta 28 February 1946Question for Hatta with NotesInterrogation of Yoshiaki Hatta (Cont'd) 2 March 1946Interrogation of Yoshiaki Hatta 1 March 1946Notes on Konto KyokuNotes for Hatta Requested InterviewSummary of Interrogation of Hatta, YoshiakiFolder Number: 12ADMIN Missing: