News excerpts from the Tokyo News (focused on Economic Issues) issued by Tokyo News Service, Ltd. Headlines include: Rationalization of Industries by Reshuffling of Posts to be Considered, Rice Price from National Viewpoint; Coal Output for 1st Half Year is 97.6% of Planned Goal, Announced; General Federation of Labor Holds 3-day National Convention; Newspaper Price to be Raised to ¥20 a Month, Single Copy to be ¥0.60; Legal Counsel Section; 'Double Play' by Valiant Wife, Succeeds in Catching Two Thieves on Same Day and Gets Praise; Queer Combination in Ball Teams of Two Diet Houses, Match on Oct. 10; Citizen's Pockets Empty, Even Rations Sold for Cash; Transportation Minister's Statement; Over 7 Million Yen in Four Months, Communication Workers' Crimes; Summary of News in the Japanese Press (not given in translation)