IPS Document Processing

Briefing, Reassignment of Personnel and Final Preparation for Trial

Amends and supplements the 12 April 1946 memorandum. Contains instructions on how to prepare briefs, and make the opening statements for each phase to the court. Lists the names of the attorneys and their assigned subject group.
1946CE May 8th

Request for Document Number for Translated News Article

Request for a document number to be assigned to a translation of a new item from "Osaka Asahi." Includes, Phelps' response stating that no document numbers are available and that due to the high demand and deadlines, the document division is only allowed to service the "Top Priority Topic Groups."
1946CE Jun 12th

Minutes of Meeting of Documents and Witnesses Sub-Committee

Minutes of the meeting of the documents and witnesses sub-committee held at 9:30 am on Wednesday, June 12, 1946. Present were Alan Mansfield (Chairman), Solis Horwitz, C. W. J. Phelps, and Eugene Williams. At the meeting, the group decided that "the administering of oaths to witnesses for the purpose of making affidavits should be in accordance with United States army regulations, and could therefore be done by any military officer."
1946CE Jun 12th


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